Sunday, March 31, 2019

.NET Core decorator pattern with Lamar

Two days ago I read some news about Lamar 3.0, new version of Lamar dependency injection library meant to replace the well established but closing down StructureMap. Because yesterday I tested decorators with Scrutor, I wanted to try something similar with Lamar, a chance to use it for the first time.

Docs are very minimal, and took me a while to understand that I must add Shouldly, which I didn't use before either. Of course I didn't read the entire documentation before trying Lamar, so their example didn't work for me. Eventually I get back to StructureMap decorators and use it similarly like this:

This way it seems to work fine, but still some work on the documentation should be done, I think. But I promise I'll try a bit more their GitHub test samples, which hopefully will clarify many aspects.

One thing I read about it and liked, was that it plays nicely with default .NET Core dependency injection implementing IServiceCollection.

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