Sunday, November 24, 2019

ContactForm.Sample project on GitHub

I added a new demo project called ContactForm.Sample at It's just a sample solution with 2 projects, one to show a contact form with both C# and JS / AJAX, which then uses HTTP POST to a web API project, which saves data to a Postgres database. The web API (Contactform.Sample.Postgres) is build as a separate infrastructure project because I intend to add some more API projects for other databases, SQL and no-SQL.

Here's a simple diagram of the projects:

And the regular C# web form with Google reCAPTCHA (demo) enabled:

More technical details are added to readme files in the project source code, including details to run it with Docker compose from Docker containers.

By the way, the project Docker images are also available on Docker Hub here and here.

Comments are welcome. Thanks.

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